Boris Becker faces jail time for concealing assets after bankruptcy
LONDON — Former top tennis player Boris Becker faces jail time after being found guilty of concealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets after being declared bankrupt.
The six-time Grand Slam winner appeared at Southwark Crown Court in London on Friday and could face a maximum prison sentence of seven years.
The German tennis star, 54, was found guilty of four counts under UK insolvency law earlier this month, including concealment of debts, removal of property and two counts of accusation of non-disclosure of inheritance. He denies the charges.
A representative for Mr. Becker did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
During the trial, the court heard that Mr Becker had been declared bankrupt in June 2017 at the High Court in London following a petition by private bank Arbuthnot Latham & Co.
As part of the bankruptcy ruling, Mr. Becker was required to disclose all of his assets. He was found guilty of withdrawing assets totaling nearly €427,000 ($449,000) from his bankruptcy, failing to disclose ownership of a property in Leiman, Germany, concealing a loan of €825,000 ($867,000) and ownership of 75,000 shares in technology company Breaking Data Corp.
Mr Becker was acquitted of 20 other charges, including failing to hand over several awards, including an Olympic gold medal and two Wimbledon trophies.
Mr. Becker was one of the best-known tennis stars of the 1980s and 1990s, winning 49 titles, six Grand Slams and earning more than $25 million in prize money during his career, according to data from the ‘ATP Tour.
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